Well it's been 1 full week since I started using the WEN hair cleansing system and I am back to do an update.
As I mentioned on my last post, I was going to be getting the Sweet Almond Mint and Pomegranate duo which I was going to include in my regime and mixing with the Six Thirteen Treatment. I got the duos on Monday so I have been using all 3 ever since.
After 4 uses of the WEN hair cleansing system, here are some of my findings:
1. You don't need that much product ! This is good news because if I want to use this product long term I don't want to go broke doing it. Now I obviously only speak from the perspective of someone with thin hair but still I cannot imagine that anyone would actually need 10 pumps for thick hair. If you add the Six Thirteen treatment to any of your regular WEN conditioners you almost double the amount. The Six Thirteen treatment is thicker, creamier and add lots of moisture. I tried using the Six Thirteen alone but I do feel it was over kill . I like the results I am getting by using the product in combination with the regular line.
2. WEN is not for the 5 minute shower type gals ( which I used to be ) I made the big mistake of taking a quick shower and did not rinsing my hair thoroughly. What a mess !! My hair was heavy, greasy and all I wanted to do was jump back into the shower. We were out at a dinner when this happened so the moment I got home I bee lined it to the sink to rinsed my hair. After a good rinse all was well with the world again.
3. When I started with this product I had real bad dry scalp. I am happy to report my scalp is no longer dry nor flaking. I give this credit to the Sweet Almond Mint conditioner which I have been using only on my scalp. The Six Thirteen also had that tingly minty effect on my scalp too which was very refreshing. I do have to say that I haven't seen my scalp this healthy in a very long time. This was an unexpected surprise.
4. Color. I was going to refresh my color this week but I think I am going to wait a little longer. Since starting to use WEN my hair color has remained the same no more fading. Granted my hair was already fading and getting a bit brassy but using a normal shampoo I would have noticed it lighter and lighter with each shampooing. If anything my color looks decent. I am going to see how long I can last without new color
This is a quick description of how I have been using these products this week:
First I use 2 pumps of the Sweet Almond Mint and use it on my scalp and massage for about 30 seconds.
The I use 2 pumps of the Pomegranate with 1 pump of the Six Thirteen and use it on the lengths of my hair.
I add a splash of water and it gets creamy enough to massage all over hair. I then left it on for about 6-7 minutes while I finished with the rest of my shower. I then rinsed as long as I could ( although it felt like forever I am sure it was only a few minutes ) You can actually feel when you hair is fully rinsed when the slip of the product is gone.
Now on to styling:
I first air dried my hair for about 30 min and then used a round brush with my hair dryer for 5-6 minutes ( same thing I did last week ) This is what my hair looked like today:
Right away I can see there is more shine to my hair and not as dull
The back of my hair was easier to manage and the ends do not look dry and unruly.
So far I am liking WEN and my hair is liking it too. I have to continue using it longer to see how holds up in the long run. I have heard about build up the longer you use the product which I am prepared to tackle with an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse if needed. So far I have no build up and my hair feels softer than ever.
The only thing I am still looking for is less shedding. I shed more hair than my cat ! This week I will be paying special attention to see if I am losing less hair as WEN promises. Keep you posted !
Until next time
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